SOS Banner Program

Photo credit: K. Burrows
Nature Saskatchewan’s Stewards of Saskatchewan (SOS) banner program was launched in 2010 to include all prairie species at risk that weren’t already targeted by our other stewardship programs, Operation Burrowing Owl, Shrubs for Shrikes, Plovers on Shore and Rare Plant Rescue.
As of 2023, 243 private landholders and land managers participate in the SOS banner program, and together are conserving nearly 291,471 acres (117,956 ha) of habitat for a variety of species at risk including Barn Swallows, Sprague’s Pipits, Ferruginous Hawks, Northern Leopard Frogs, and Monarchs.
With less than 20% of our native grasslands remaining, rural landholders play a key role in conserving prairie habitat and maintaining healthy grasslands. Their good stewardship arises because of close ties to the land from which they derive their livelihood. We recognize that the health of the prairie ecosystem is a shared responsibility, enhanced by the good stewardship shown by landholders across Saskatchewan! If there are any species at risk on your land we would like to congratulate you on a job already well done!
Remember, if species at risk are on your land you should feel proud because that means that you are already doing something right! Those with species at risk on their land are invited to participate in Stewards of Saskatchewan.
Working Together to Help You!
Education- Increase your knowledge of prairie conservation and species at risk through educational materials including fact sheets, booklets, and workshops.
Habitat Enhancement- Nature Saskatchewan offers projects, such as fencing or alternative water development, to improve habitat for species, such as Sprague’s Pipits. Improving your operation and increasing habitat for wildlife – a win-win situation!
Conservation Easements- Leave a conservation legacy! Nature Saskatchewan, working together with partner agencies, offers you this opportunity to protect the land you love!
For more information on the Stewards of Saskatchewan Banner Program please read the Banner Program Brochure
To contact the Stewards of Saskatchewan Banner Program Coordinator, please call (306) 780-9832, 1-800-667-4668 or email at
Follow this link for a list of Federally listed species at risk in Saskatchewan.
For more information on the benefits of stewardship, please visit our Stewards of Saskatchewan page
For more resources on Species at Risk please visit our resources page
“Our membership in these programs has provided us with a starting point for many conversations about the richness of plant and animal life in our province and the value of conserving habitat. Taking part in the program provides us with the support network of dedicated and knowledgeable staff at Nature Saskatchewan.”
-Bird Species at Risk Participant
New for Summer 2023 - Milkweed Monitoring Project
Nature Saskatewan is piloting a new Monarch butterfly project in the summer of 2023 and we are looking for interested landholders in South East Saskatchewan to help!
If you have established milkweed patches on your property and are interested in monitoring them throughout the summer let us know by email at or by calling us at 1-800-667-4668 (HOOT).
The Monarch butterfly is Saskatewan's largest butterfly and known for its long migration south in the fall. This species is currently listed as Special Concern is Canada, with the potential of being up-listed to Endangered based on current recommendations.
If you see these butterflies please let us know! Every sighting helps to fill in the gap on this species' habitat use on the prairies!
Some Species at Risk in Saskatchewan:
- Northern Leopard Frog
Northern Leopard Frog
- Great Plains Toad
- Tiger Salamander
- Ord’s Kangaroo Rat
Photo credit: E. Putz
- Swift Fox
- American Badger
- Little Brown Bat
- Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer
Photo credit: S. Fisher
- Greater Short-horned Lizard
- Prairie Rattlesnake
- Bullsnake
- Snapping turtle
- Barn Swallow
Photo credit: L. Jack
- Bobolink
- Common Nighthawk
- Ferruginous Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Brochure
- Horned Grebe
- Short-eared Owl
- Sprague’s Pipit Sprague's Pipit Brochure
- Chestnut Collared Longspur
- Thick Billed Longspur
- Bank Swallow
- Lark Bunting
- Baird's Sparrow
- Long-billed Curlew
- Western Grebe
- Chimney Swift