Nature Saskatchewan 75th Anniversary Logo

2024 Spring Meet 75th Anniversary Celebration

Join us in Saskatoon June 21-23! The Saskatoon Nature Society has been hard at work to put together an unforgettable weekend of presentations, field trips and a whole lot more!


Friday, June 21st


Registration at the Saskatoon Inn (refreshments will be available)


Presentation: The Northeast and Small Swales
Brief overview of Saturday’s Itinerary


Saturday, June 22nd


8:00 am

Morning Tour A - Asquith NCC Property (Bus leaves at 7:45 a.m.)

Morning Tour B - Pike Lake Park Tour (Bus leaves at 8:15 a.m.)


Bagged lunch on the bus before afternoon tours


Afternoon Tour A - Northeast Swale (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

Afternoon Tour B - Donna Birkmaier and Hyde Park Naturalized Parks Tour (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

5:30 pm 


6:30 pm


7:30 pm

Presentation: Meewasin Connects, Speaker: Andrea Lafond 75th Anniversary Presentation: Ron Jensen Silent Auction throughout the evening



Sunday, June 23rd

8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Annual General Meeting at the Saskatoon Inn

Tour following AGM - Blackstrap Lake self-driving tour


Morning Tour A - Asquith NCC Property (7:45 am to 12:30 pm)

Leader: Sara Bryson (SNS) and NCC staff member

The NCC’s Asquith Nature Destination was established with funding by the Saskatoon Nature Society and is a landscape of aspen woodland rolling into fescue prairie grassland, with wildflowers scattered across the site, prairie birds flying over, sparrows that follow you along the trail, and the occasional deer peering at you through the leaves. We will hike along the first half of the mowed trail, about 4 km of uneven terrain, identifying native wildflowers and birds, and hoping to see a deer or fox.

Wear good hiking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and bring a good amount of water. You may also wish to bring bug spray and remember that the ticks will be active.

Morning Tour B - Pike Lake Park Tour (8:15 am to 12:30 pm)

Leader: Stan Shadick

Pike Lake Provincial Park (30 km SW of Saskatoon) has oxbow lake, sand dunes, marsh, grassland and woodland habitats for plants and birds. We plan to walk the 1.5 km loop nature trail plus stroll along the lake shore and other wooded portions of the park. Some birds we may see include Red-necked Grebes, Black Terns, ducks, Great Horned Owl, woodpeckers, Veery, Spotted Towhee and American Redstart. Bring water and a hat. Walking Distance: 3 km

Afternoon Tour A - Northeast Swale (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

Leader: Sara Bryson

The Northeast Swale is a valuable native grassland landscape including several wetland areas, within the city limits of Saskatoon. We will stop at the slough at the entrance to identify shorebirds and ducks, then move along the uneven trail to the ridges to view the wildflowers, get a different view of the wetlands, and enjoy the sound of the meadowlark and other grassland birds. Good hiking shoes, a hat, and water are recommended.

Walking Distance: 2.5 to 3 km

Afternoon Tour B - Donna Birkmaier and Hyde Park Naturalized Parks Tour (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

Leader: Stan Shadick

These 2 adjacent naturalized parks near the east end of Saskatoon contain marshes, grassland, and some woodland habitats. We plan to wander past the wetlands on level trails. Some birds we may see include Red-necked Grebes, Black Terns, ducks, Brown Thrashers, Gray Catbirds, finches, and native sparrows. Bring water and a hat.

Walking Distance: 3 km

The host hotel for the weekend will be the Saskatoon Inn. Nature Saskatchewan has a block of rooms available at a discounted rate until June 7. To book your room please go to call 1-306-242-1440 ext.0 and ask to book under the Nature Saskatchewan block.

You can now register online for Nature Saskatchewan meets. To register for the 2024 Spring Meet 75th Anniversary Celebration please click here. If you would like to purchase banquet tickets only please click here.


mail or e-mail the below form or call the Nature Saskatchewan office:

Spring Meet 2024 registration form

(please make cheque payable to Nature Saskatchewan).

Nature Saskatchewan
206-1860 Lorne Street
Regina, SK   S4P 2L7

We are excited to announce that all non-member registrations now include a 2024 electronic membership to Nature Saskatchewan for the remainder of 2024!