Vision and Mission
Humanity in Harmony with Nature.
We engage and inspire people to appreciate, learn about and conserve Saskatchewan's natural environment.
Values Statement
Nature Saskatchewan aims to practice and balance these core, defining values:
Openness and Learning - We pursue:
- effective two-way communications at all levels;
- open, clear, collaborative processes; and
- continuous, mutual and open-minded learning.
Collaboration - We place a priority on:
- working through and nurturing partnerships externally;
- functioning through a supportive, team environment internally; and
- developing respectful and inclusive relationships in all activities at all levels.
Dedication - We demonstrate:
- passion for the cause of conserving nature;
- commitment to sound science;
- best organizational practices and standards in a context of continuous improvement; and
- integrity in our words and actions.
Nature Saskatchewan is a non-profit charitable organization. Our non-profit charitable number/GST number is: 119140283 RR0001. Our PST vendor number is: 7406119